RDTC Bristol


0117 9081087


Solo Forms taught
Short Form
(sequence, principles,
energy and breathing),
Long Form,
Mirror Form,
Sword Form.

Duo Forms taught
Single & Double
Push Hands, Ta Lu x4.

Qi Gong taught
Taoist health exercises, Shibashi, Eight Strands of Brocade, Vancouver Set.

Also taught
Five Element form, Meditation, and Joint massage.

Current classes include Always available: Short (various levels -
contact Gail for details). Duo class teaching single and double push hands and first and second Ta Lu. Monthly Sword and Long Form for those who have completed the forms.
Occasionally available: Mirror, Long & Sword & Five Element

New classes
Marlborough College Summer School l
ate July - early August - includes Five Element, Tai Chi Chi Kung & Shibashi.

Glamorgan Summer School - early August, includes - Five Element Form, Eight Brocades.

Both are suitable for beginners as an introduction.

New Evening Classes & Day time classes in September - contact Gail





What inspired me to learn Tai Chi

"... seeing a small group performing these slow and graceful movements in the soft morning light... Something inside me knew I definitely wanted to learn this."


What gives life to the Tai Chi I teach

"... Noticing that we are using force and how that affects the outcome both externally and in how we feel inside is the first phase. Then we have a choice to respect ourselves and relax, let go and find an easier way."

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