
01584 890 284


Solo Forms taught
Short Form, Long Form, Mirror Form, Sword Form.

Duo Forms taught
Single Push Hands, Double Push Hands, Wa Pu, Ta Lu.

Qi Gong taught
Shibashi, Eight Strands of Brocade.

Current classes include
Short Form, Long Form, Sword Form, Duo Work (Push Hands, Ta Lu, etc.)

New beginners classes
Short Form courses of 40 weeks are held in Bournville B30 and Kings Heath B14 in Birmingham.

Ongoing Chi Kung (Qigong) and Duo Work classes are held in Moseley B13.





What inspired me to learn Tai Chi

"... totally new and unexpected way of approaching life and dealing with problems."


What gives life to the Tai Chi I teach

"... sharing in other peoples' exploration and seeing them become more open, more natural and relaxed with themselves."

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