Back to index page: Winter 2000
Richard's visits to RDTC Centres For details contact your teacherCardiff January 27thMonmouth January 28th

Llandrindod Wells February 11th

Worcester March 3rd

Birmingham May 12th

Bristol/Bath May 13th

Scotland September 12th - 16th July 

The Deepening V - Poulstone Court
Feb. 16th-19th
May 26th- June 1st
Oct. 12th-15th

RDTC Teaching Circle Weekend -
Poulstone Court - 5pm Friday to 4pm Monday
March 16th - 19th
Poulstone Court - 5pm Friday to 4pm Monday
Nov. 23rd-26th

RDTC Teachers Days - Poulstone Court - 9.30am - 4pm
January 29th - February 5th - 12th

May 8th - 14th - 21st

October 2nd - 8th - 22nd

RDTC - Push Hands Day

June 16th - see teacher for details

RDTC - Summer Gathering
Poulstone Court - 5pm Monday to 4pm Saturday
August 20th - 25th

Deeper Course
22nd - 26th March

22nd - 25th June

25th - 29th October

RDTC Assistants Day - Poulstone Court - 10am - 6pm
September 8th

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